A Picture Tells 2 Stories - Nia Centre for the Arts
Artistic & Professional Development

A Picture Tells 2 Stories

with Téa Mutonji


May 11 - 24, 2020


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Stories can be told through many different perspectives and angles. Join us for a fun creative writing challenge that will take you back through memory lane, presented in collaboration with poet, screenwriter and author, Téa Mutonji. ⁣

Here’s how to get started

1. Find a photograph that captures an important memory. You should be in the photograph. ⁣

2. Tell the story behind this photograph, entirely from your perspective and exactly as you remember it. ⁣

3. Tell the exact story behind this photograph entirely from someone or something else’s perspective. ⁣

Téa’s Example

First Story:
This photograph was taken at my best friend’s Ashley’s baby showering.

This was one of the most stressful days of my life. (The night before, all the food I had prepped got eaten at a house party my roommate threw, and when I got home at 2 am, I had to go to a 24 hours grocery store, re-buy and recook a bunch of food). So the next day, I was smiling through absolute stress and fatigue!

Second Story:
I retell this story from the perspective of the baby inside of Ashley’s belly: Blake.

Whenever my future aunty touches mom’s belly, her hands shake. Whenever she comes close, I hear her say “oh little baby,” in a voice that is so rehearsed, I worry she’s not fully present. She gets excited whenever I move around in here… it seems to relax her.

Where to Submit:

  • Email us your short story at info@niacentre.org with the subject line: a picture tells 2 stories and include⁣
  • Your full name⁣
  • social media handles⁣
  • 2 stories, titles, JPG/PNG of your photograph⁣
  • Each story should be up to 500 words long. ⁣ ⁣⁣

Deadline: Sunday, May 24 at 11:59 PM⁣

We’ll be featuring Téa’s favourite submissions on our Instagram/Facebook Stories, and a few directly on our Instagram & Facebook pages.⁣

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