Just Us Call for Artists - Nia Centre for the Arts
Artistic & Professional Development

Just Us Call for Artists


May 24 - August 30, 2022

Want to paint a mural in the city?

Apply Here

“Just Us” art call is a request for mural proposals in support and recognition of Black lives and the rights of Indigenous Peoples. ‘Just Us’ is produced by StreetARToronto (StART) in collaboration with Nia Centre and 7th Generation Image Makers.

The “Just Us” art call seeks mural concepts that create awareness surrounding social injustice, equity, race relations, and community engagement. The mural proposals should speak to historic and current social issues and movements within Black and Indigenous communities, and the importance, benefits, and opportunities to build a better future through inclusion, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Rolling proposal deadlines: May 30, June 30, July 30, August 30.

Commissions for proposals received by May 30 @ 11:59PM will be awarded by June 13.

Apply to Just Us


• Artist applicants must reside in the City of Toronto.

• Artist applicants must be at least 18 years old.

• City of Toronto employees are not eligible to apply

How to Apply

In order to apply to the StART “Just Us” Art Project you must submit the following materials in electronic format only, as one PDF document:

1. Artist’s full name and contact details (telephone, address with postal code, email).

2. Website and Social Media addresses if you have these.

3. An up to one page single-sided CV, Resume or Statement of Work that highlights your qualifications that are most relevant to this call in your opinion.

4. An up to one page single-sided Concept Description to briefly explain and/or visualize:

  • The “Just Us” theme idea your mural or mural activation will feature and/or how your concept connects to the theme “Just Us”
  •  Mural installation or mural activation target dates* and budget – note that installation timeline is dependent on COVID-19 conditions and subject to the direction of the City of Toronto and Toronto Public Health guidelines.
  • Property Owner name and signature indicating property owner’s approval of your concept 

5. Signed Property Owner Permission Form – See Appendix B

6. Three (3) images of the wall – one showing the overall street context in which the wall is situated, one photo of the complete wall at a 90 degree angle, and a close-up of one section of the wall to give a clear sense of substrate material.

7. Three (3) images of your past most relevant work, labelled with the date, title (if it has one), location and medium.

Please compile all sections of your application into one PDF document and save it as: JUST US Artist First Name_Last Name

Evaluation Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

• Past work demonstrates Artist capacity to deliver a high-quality project of similar size and scope

• Concept highlights social injustice, justice for all, social change, equity, race relations and community engagement 

• Concept reflects the theme Just Us

• Submission package is complete and clear

Start the Application
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July 8 - August 31, 2024
10:00AM - 5:00PM
524 Oakwood Ave, Toronto, ON M6E 2X1

Spend the summer creating with Nia Centre

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